HypoVaxed Newsletter #2

In the second quarter of 2024, HypoVax Global Knowledge Hub has been busy establishing new connections, exploring potential collaborative projects and welcoming a new PhD researcher working on an exciting project. Find out about our key highlights, upcoming events, researcher spotlight, field story and more.

Key highlights

  • KNAW funding for online mentorship programme
  • HypoVax Researcher accepted into VALIDATE network’s early career programme
  • GROW event 2024: HypoVax Global co-hosted a workshop with researchers from Delft University of Technology entitled “Designing Inspiring Global Health Solutions”.
  • Leiden University Working Session with African partners: HypoVax Global lead joined visit to Ghana to strengthen ties with African knowledge institutions.
  • Theme Infection Top Research Seminar took place at Leiden University Medical Center with HypoVax researchers sharing their research
  • EuroLife Summer School on innovative solutions to address current and(re)emerging infectious diseases at a global scale was held at LUMC with several lectures on vaccines and vaccine development

Upcoming Events in 2024

  • September: WINNER (the week of Indonesia-Netherlands Education and Research) conference
  • October: LUMC Half Minor in Infections in Health and Disease collaborative field project
  • November: Amsterdam Immunogenicity and Tolerance Seminar

Researcher Spotlight

Mr. Ronald Nkangi has started a joint PhD between MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit (Uganda) and the LUMC (The Netherlands).

Field Story

HypoVax Global lead visited some key biomedical institutions in Accra, Ghana to explore potential for future collaboration.

To the newsletter