HypoVaxed Newsletter #1

HypoVax Global in 2023 – A Year of Milestones

In 2023, the HypoVax Global Knowledge Hub was launched within the Leiden University Center for Infectious Diseases (LUCID).

Key highlights

January: The hub was initiated, and its goals, mission, and approach were established.
February: The hub was presented to the European Commission and connected with the Leiden African Studies Assembly.
March: Two expert groups were formed to provide input on activities.
June: A promotional video was created for the website.
July: The website went live, and the hub was featured on a podcast about vaccine responses in Africa.
November: A workshop on establishing a global knowledge hub was held at ECTMIH.

Upcoming Events in 2024

February: Workshop on vaccine hyporesponsiveness in Leiden.
April: Workshop on interdisciplinary global research with NWO-WOTRO.
May: Working visit to partners in Ghana.
July: EuroLife Summer School on innovative solutions for infectious diseases.

Researcher Spotlight

Dr. Rafiou Adamou from Gabon completed a 7-month training in cellular immunology and cytometry at LUMC.

Field Story

The CapTan study in Tanzania investigated differences in immune and vaccine responses between urban and rural areas.

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